Our Lady of the Sun
Catholic Church
" Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle..."
2 Thessalonians 2:14
Roman Catholic Pre-Vatican II – Traditional Latin Mass
12546 W. Peoria Ave, El Mirage, Arizona 85335
Office 623-213-5478
Christ the King
Oct. 27, 2024
Sun., Oct. 27 Christ the King
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo (Leo, Brady)
Mon., Oct. 28 Ss. Simon and Jude, App
8:00 a.m. Amy L. Sonnier
Tues., Oct. 29 Feria
8:00 a.m. Rogelio Feliciano II and family
Wed., Oct. 30 Feria
8:00 a.m. Colleen and Joe Bianchini
Thurs., Oct. 31 Feria
8:00 a.m. Joseph T. Sonnier
7:00 p.m. Holy Hour
Fri., Nov. 1 All Saints’ Day
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo
7:00 p.m. Nancy Vogel (Terri Donnelly)
Sat., Nov. 2 All Souls’ Day
9:00 a.m. RIP Helen Kucharski
Sun., Nov. 3 24th Sunday after Pentecost (4th after Epiphany)
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo (Johnny, Peter P.)
*Prayers Requested: Please pray for the sick in the parish, especially Phil Turiano, Maria Almazan, Fred Nardeccia, Carol Guarnero, Jim Vogel, Loretta Brutsche, Molly Buggy, Abby Buggy, Karen Johnson, Paul Aranas, Jeannine Buggy, Lisa Reiss, Pat Kosko, Christine Patterson, Jesse Gaines, Victor Cardiel, Karen Hartman, and Carl Lukkes.
*Holy Day: The feast of All Saints is this Friday. All the faithful are required to attend Mass. As this Friday is a Holy Day of Obligation, you can eat meat.
*Benediction: Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow Mass this Sunday.
*Blessing of Religious Articles: This is the 4th Sunday of the month. There will be the blessing of religious articles following Mass. No confessions after Mass.
*Holy Souls Remembrance: There are holy souls remembrance envelopes in the vestibule. Please remember the faithful departed. Those submitted will be remembered at all Masses during the month of November.
*Toties Quoties: Indulgences that can be gained for the faithful departed from noon Nov. 1 to midnight Nov. 2. There are papers in the vestibule explaining the indulgences to be gained.
*Christ the King Potluck and Heaven House: We will be having a Potluck in honor of Christ the King today. The children of the parish will be putting on a Heaven House for those who attend. Walk the halls of Heaven and meet some of your favorite Saints!
Collection: $3,496.29
*Catechism Class for Adults: The Baltimore III Catechism class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. We will be covering lesson 7. Please be mindful to maintain proper modesty in dress here on the church property.
*Holy Hour: Thursday 7:00 p.m.