Our Lady of the Sun
Catholic Church
" Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle..."
2 Thessalonians 2:14
Roman Catholic Pre-Vatican II – Traditional Latin Mass
12546 W. Peoria Ave, El Mirage, Arizona 85335
Office 623-213-5478
5th Sunday of Epiphany
Feb. 9, 2025
Sun., Feb. 9 5th Sunday of Epiphany
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo (Joseph, Leo)
Mon., Feb. 10 St. Scholastica, V
8:00 a.m. RIP Kathleen Mary LaPlante
Tues., Feb. 11 Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes
8:00 a.m. RIP Alexa Martin
Wed., Feb. 12 Seven Holy Servite Founders
8:00 a.m. Konner Daris
Thurs., Feb. 13 Feria
8:00 a.m. Grace Webster
Fri., Feb. 14 Feria
8:00 a.m. Margie Brown
Sat., Feb. 15 BVM Saturday
9:00 a.m. Joshua Cormier
Sun., Feb. 16 Septuagesima Sunday
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo (Johnny, Brady)
*Prayers Requested: Please pray for the sick in the parish, especially Phil Turiano, Maria Almazan, Fred Nardeccia, Carol Guarnero, Jim Vogel, Molly Buggy, Abby Buggy, Karen Johnson, Paul Aranas, Jeannine Buggy, Lisa Reiss, Pat Kosko, Christine Patterson, Jesse Gaines, Victor Cardiel, Karen Hartman, and Carl Lukkes.
*Catechism Class for Adults: The Baltimore III Catechism class will be held on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. We will be covering lesson 15. Please be mindful to maintain proper modesty in dress here on the church property.
*SOL Meeting: The SOL men’s group will be having a meeting in the second hall after Mass.
*Catechism for Children: There will be catechism class for children today after Mass.
*Blessed Candles: If you ordered any blessed candles, you may pick them up after Mass in the bookstore next Sunday.
*Confirmations: Bishop Mark Pivarunas will be coming on February 22nd to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you have not yet received this Sacrament or were confirmed in the Novus Ordo, please contact Sr. Maria Antonia at (623) 213-5478.
*Tax Returns: If you would like to receive a tax return statement for donations given to Our Lady of the Sun in 2024 to be filed in 2025, please call or text the Sisters at 623-213-5478.
*Donation envelopes: If anyone would like to have a set of collection envelopes for the year, they are in the vestibule. Please write your name with the number of the box on the chart provided.