"If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our forces on the Christian education of the young."
- St. John Bosco
Our Lady of the Sun Academy

This Traditional Catholic School offers an educational alternative for Catholic Parents to provide their children with a true Catholic education as outlined in the pastoral letter issued by the American hierarchy in 1919. This academy teaches only the traditional, pre-Vatican II, Roman Catholic Faith, as it has been taught for centuries.
True Catholic Education

The Future of the Church
This Traditional Catholic School offers an educational alternative for Catholic Parents to provide their children with a true Catholic education as outlined in the pastoral letter issued by the American hierarchy in 1919. This academy teaches only the traditional, pre-Vatican II, Roman Catholic Faith, as it has been taught for centuries.
The Religious Faculty strives to provide an atmosphere where the students will develop a deep understanding and love for the Catholic Faith, as well as obtain a well rounded education, with high academic standards.

Catholic Training for Life
The school day begins with Daily Mass, where the students are given the opportunity for the frequent reception of Confession and Communion.
The children are taught their Catholic Faith, and solid academic skills in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics etc.. (please see outline of the school curriculum).
They are also taught to develop an appreciation of the fine arts.

Father Christopher Gronenthal, Parish Priest

Sister Maria Antonia, School Principal

The official position of the Catholic Church on education is summarized in the Code of Canon Law:
“Parents are bound by a most grave obligation to provide to the best of their ability for the religious and moral, as well as for the physical and civil education of their children, and for their temporal well-being” (Canon 1113).
Our Lady of the Sun Academy Curriculum